My Year in Review (2022)
Microsoft, Year, ERP Kris Ruyeras Microsoft, Year, ERP Kris Ruyeras

My Year in Review (2022)

As I reflect upon my year, I always take a look at the path I’ve been on. Not just looking back but also who was on my left and right side of me. Not only I cherish the steps I’ve taken, but I also appreciate all the people who have been on my side for every step. Forward or backwards, it’s an opportunity to learn.

If I’ve ever interacted with you, you’ve been a key component of my progress and I appreciate you. Too many to tag, you know who you are. From clients, colleagues, mentors, and friends, I appreciate you and love you. Thank you, not only for the equality but equity.

#appreciationpost #MSDyn365BC #Microsoft

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