Business Central - Basic Understanding of the Admin Center

Hello Friends!

Let’s continue to focus on administering your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. For Business Central SaaS, your environment comes with Dynamics 365 Business Central admin center. You must have the correct permission to be able to access the admin center to help manager your Business Central environment. The following users who are assigned as below have access to the administration center:

·        Internal tenant administrators

·        Admin agent

·        Helpdesk agent

The Business Central admin center provides a portal for administrators to do cool administrative tasks for your Business Central environment or tenant.

In your admin center, you can view and manage your production and sandbox environments for the tenant. You can view details for each environment within your tenant. Although you can have multiple environments, their storage does count towards your allocated storage capacity. We can dig into this further in the future blog.

From your super cool admin center, you can also set up upgrade notifications. Allowing the system to automatically notify multiple contacts that your Business Central environments have been upgraded to a major update, both successes as well as failed.

Within your admin center, you can also view telemetry for events that have occurred within your tenant for each Business Central environment.

There are also other areas within the admin center that are very informative. Reported Outages provides you information if there’s any current or past outages. Operations provides you events for all your listed environments, for example, Update or App Install.

The last option is the visibility of your tenant’s storage capacity. Providing you details of the quote of environments for production and sandbox along with access to the list of tables that makes up your storage usage. A link in which it takes you to the “Table Information” within Business Central.

Business Central Admin Center: Capacity

I hope you’ve enjoyed my blog posts and have taken away something new. Take care!
“Don’t have a good day, Have a Great Day!” – Free Guy


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