Directions North America (2023) - A Glimpse into the Future; My Takeaway
Directions North America in Orlando, the Dynamics 365 Business Central community gathered to explore the latest advancements and innovations in the ERP ecosystem. The event unveiled exciting announcements, such as enhancements to Business Central, Telemetry, Power Platform, AI Copilot, Women in Dynamics, and Microsoft's competitive stance against NetSuite. These developments promise to revolutionize the way businesses approach technology, driving growth and efficiency in organizations of all sizes. As we embrace these new technologies, we look forward to a future filled with innovation and success.
#MSDyn365BC #DirectionsNA #PowerPlatform #AI #Copilot #Microsoft

Preview - Microsoft Designer (Canva Alternative)
Create amazing design and images with Microsoft Designer
#MSDyn365BC #Microsoft #MicrosoftDesigner #Canva

Passing the Microsoft Azure AI Certification (AI-900)
How to prepare and Passing the Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals (AI-900)
#MSDyn365 #AzureAI #AI #Microsoft #NLP #AI900