Business Central - How Can I See my License?

Business Central license is changing! Well, Microsoft licensing always changes so with this post, we will keep it as basic as possible.

In the past several years, I’ve been asked about retrieving a client’s license. In NAV, it was fairly easy to get, you navigate to About Dynamics NAV and at the bottom, you’ll see Licensing Information. With Business Central, it isn’t as straight-forward as it once was. Now, this isn’t such a big issue when it comes to SaaS but if you’re Business Central is onprem, you’ll need to know how to retrieve and export that information.

Utilizing Business Central Administration Shell, you' will need make sure that you run it as an Administrator. So you must have the local admin rights to do so. By right-clicking on the application icon, you should see the option “Run as Administrator”. Go ahead and click it, then you will be prompted to choose Yes or No. So click, Yes with intent.

The Business Central Administration Shell should open, it looks like a Command Prompt if you’ve seen it before. It will provide you a list of existing Cmdlet options. In this case, we want to utilize the Export-NAVServerLicenseInformation.

The minimum requirement for this Cmdlet is Export-NAVServerLicenseInformation ‘MyInstance’. With the example below, you can see that the command I entered meets the minimum requirement which is “Export-NAVServerLicenseInformation BC190”. This will provide you the information and details of your Business Central license.


Business Central - Importing your Business Central License (Onprem)


Business Central - Field Monitoring Setup