Business Central - Bulk Import Item Pictures

Do you remember getting requests about importing item images in bulk? In the past, I didn’t like telling users that they need to import images manually or having to build a custom solution to do so each time. For some of us early on, we thought we can use Configuration Packages or RapidStart and it was not possible.

Well now you can! You can now use a feature called “Import Item Pictures”. You can import multiple item pictures in one .zip file, easily manage which item pictures to import.

There are a few things to consider in how to prepare the ZIP file.  One being that you need to have a specific format for the file name. You will need to name each files according to the number of the related item that you will be importing the image for. Currently, it only allows you to use the bitmap file (.bmp).

Item No.                                                           File Name

SP-BOM1109                                                   SP-BOM1109.bmp

SP-BOM2003                                                 SP-BOM2003.bmp

SP-BOM1108                                                   SP-BOM1108.bmp

The process of importing item pictures is straightforward by searching for Import Item Pictures from the global search menu.

Select a ZIP File field and choose the relevant ZIP File folder and choose the Open button. This will import for each item and picture is created on the Import Item Pictures. Then choose the “Import Pictures” action button. When it is complete, the Import status should change to “Completed” from Pending.

Note: If an item card already have a picture, it’ll will notify you that a Picture Already Exists check box is selected. If you do choose to not want any existing pictured to be replaced, deselect the Replace Pictures check box. If you do not want individual existing pictures to be replaced, delete the lines that you don’t want from the Import Item Pictures page.

If you have any questions or comments, leave a comment below! Thank you and have a wonderful day!


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