Back to Basics of BC - Sales Order

Now that you are about to start your journey getting into Business Central. You’re coming from a different ERP system and you are going to embark into the new world of Business Central. There are plenty of documentations out there in the internets regarding this process, however, I do hope that you’ll find this content still helpful.

Note: As of this writing, the sample below is based on Business Central SaaS (Online) on version 21.

Depending on your procedure, getting orders into your new Business Central environment may be manually entered via Sales Order. So this blog will cover just that, entering a simple Sales Order. In this series, we will expand the different ways of getting orders into Business Central but we have to start with the basics. So let’s get started.

Under the ‘tell me’ search bar, search for 'Sales Orders’ and click into the link.

You’ll be taken to a list of Sales Order that may or may not already be in your environment, again, depending on how they are entered. In our discussion, we will go ahead and create a new Sales Order by clicking the ‘New’ action button located within the action bar.

A new blank Sales Order will appear and you will need to choose the customer you want to create a Sales order against. Other fields will be populated based upon the customer you choose. Once you choose the appropriate customer, you will then enter the item you want to sell to and populate the necessary fields that is required, including the quantity. If you have multiple locations, you will need to choose the right location as well.

With my example below, I have chosen my customer and an item that I am going to sell. As I noted above, we will cover the other features within Business Central Sales Order where you can expand your business process, including Invoice Discount, Line Discounts, Payment Discount %, Prepayment, and many more.

The rest of the fields should come from related table information, for example, customer and item. Notice the required field are indicated by the red asterisk.

A few things I would like to point out are the fact boxes on the right. This gives you details regarding your customer and the item(s) within the Sales Order. This is helpful to help quickly identify if there are outstanding invoices, orders, etc. for the customer. The items fact box also allows you to identify if you have any in stock to sell the item to.

Once the necessary fields are populated, at this point, you can now ‘release’ the sales order to be processed. This means you could pick against it in the warehouse or invoice the sales order.

That’s it! You can get started very quickly on your Business Central environment.


Basics of Sales Price in Business Central


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