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Business Central (v21) - Action Bar

“Strive for continuous improvement, instead of perfection.” -Kim Collins

Business Central’s Modern Action Br isn’t perfect, but at least it is being improved upon. One of the things that frustrated me most was just simple navigation of where the action buttons are. Especially action buttons that seems to be out of place or an area that just doesn’t make sense.

With the updated and improved action bar, Microsoft made some adjustments that kept related actions together, avoiding the same action being available in menus. This is great! This minimizes clutter and certainly confusion.

Microsoft also improved action bar, merged or consolidate contents such as Customer on Customer Card or Order on Sales Order, a primary menu for information related to the current record you are on. A user will also have the ability to ‘split’ buttons.

One of my favorite changes goes along with the user personalization. Where you can move an action button as the main top layer